About The Show

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Once while roommates in college, Lindsey admitted to Brooke that she had never seen Jaws but had seen Sharknado. Instead of being exasperated by this fact, Brooke began a mental list of the idiosyncrasies of Lindsey’s film knowledge. This list eventually became episode ideas for this podcast.

Film Kids & Giant Squids fights back against the gatekeepers of film criticism (AKA the ‘film kids’). We remove the barrier between the “high caliber” and “bad” movies and we talk about them all as equals and along the way, maybe convince you that every movie has something in common with Twilight.

So, what exactly is a Film Kid? A Film Kid is someone who only calls movies “films”, loves to introduce you to filmmakers you “probably haven’t heard of” (but then shows you David Lynch), hates the idea of movies being “for fun”, and a whole host of other pretentious things in order to make you feel bad about your opinions.

Each episode will start with 127 Hours with a Film Kid: If you find yourself trapped in a conversation with a film kid, here’s what you need to know to be able to understand what they’re talking about and escape the conversation without cutting off your arm. We’ll then walk you through two movies that are thematically similar but received very differently; all on a quest to prove that movies are the same. They’re fun to watch and should be fun to talk about as well.


About the Hosts


Brooke Hoppe

Brooke Hoppe is a Leo and an Enneagram 3, which means she has no time for people who don’t return texts, even though she herself doesn’t return texts. She received a degree in Screenwriting from Emerson College, which she used to become a professional film kid as a glamorous assistant in Hollywood. Brooke spent most of her time in college having film history mansplained to her and being told she was “pretty funny… for a girl”. Her least favorite movie trope is when characters take two bites of a delicious looking meal and then leave (usually without paying). She takes pride in the fact that Seth Rogen once called her a “little weirdo” because she could carry 5 cups of coffee at once.



Lindsey Buttel

Lindsey Buttel is a double Taurus and an Enneagram 7, which means she has no idea what she is talking about, but will stand her ground and talk about that ground so loudly and with so much passion that you might think she’s right. Though she now works in progressive politics, she accidentally went to film school, if only for the meet cute with the love of her life, Brooke. Lindsey spent most of her time in college telling film kids there was no need to mansplain films to her as they did Brooke, because she straight up only watches shitty teen movies and reruns of Degrassi. Lindsey cannot tell the difference between Michael Keaton, J.K. Simmons, and the average looking white man. She is also often tricked into dating film kids, and she doesn't know why the Gods have chosen that fate for her. If someone has a tip or any evidence into this investigation please email filmkidsgiantsquids@gmail.com.

Lindsey Buttel is the most passionate person you will ever meet. Whatever the topic is, and even if Lindsey isn’t aware of the topic herself, she is guaranteed to have a firm stance that she will defend to the death.
— Brooke Hoppe, Co-host of Film Kids & Giant Squids (And Other Things That Think They’re Deep)
Brooke Hoppe brings to the table film expertise and talks about it in a way that doesnt make me want to cut my arm off. In fact, shes so brilliant she makes me want to grow more arms.
— Lindsey Buttel, Co-host of Film Kids & Giant Squids (And Other Things That Think They’re Deep)