About The Show
Once while roommates in college, Lindsey admitted to Brooke that she had never seen Jaws but had seen Sharknado. Instead of being exasperated by this fact, Brooke began a mental list of the idiosyncrasies of Lindsey’s film knowledge. This list eventually became episode ideas for this podcast.
Film Kids & Giant Squids fights back against the gatekeepers of film criticism (AKA the ‘film kids’). We remove the barrier between the “high caliber” and “bad” movies and we talk about them all as equals and along the way, maybe convince you that every movie has something in common with Twilight.
So, what exactly is a Film Kid? A Film Kid is someone who only calls movies “films”, loves to introduce you to filmmakers you “probably haven’t heard of” (but then shows you David Lynch), hates the idea of movies being “for fun”, and a whole host of other pretentious things in order to make you feel bad about your opinions.
Each episode will start with 127 Hours with a Film Kid: If you find yourself trapped in a conversation with a film kid, here’s what you need to know to be able to understand what they’re talking about and escape the conversation without cutting off your arm. We’ll then walk you through two movies that are thematically similar but received very differently; all on a quest to prove that movies are the same. They’re fun to watch and should be fun to talk about as well.